Don’t cancel if you get your period. We have fresh wipes and as long as you have a tampon on you will be fine. If you’re comfortable being waxed at this time, so are we.
Don’t pick at ingrown hairs. The bacteria found in an infected follicle combined with inflammation weakens and the pore lining. If you squeeze these ingrown it could cause greater inflammation, infect surrounding pores, and slow the healing process.
Don’t do excessive activity immediately after appointment (hot yoga, bike rides, hot tubs, etc). Uric acid and salt in your perspiration could be mildly irritating to the area and friction could cause an uncomfortable effect on a tender area; maybe resulting in prolonged redness and breakout.
Don’t apply lotions, gels or creams the same day to the area treated. There may be increased sensitivity and irritation due to the follicles being compromised. Especially avoid fragranced or alcohol based products.
Don’t sunbathe 24 hours before or after treatment (exposing treated area). This may dehydrate the skin prior to treatment and cause skin to lift. After treatment, with increased circulation, sun exposure may increase heat sensitivity and cause discomfort.
Don’t shave between treatments. The goal of consistent hair removal is to remove the root of the hair so it grows back new making it softer, finer, and fewer in number. Shaving will upset appointment times allowing the root to grow strong and making waxing more painful.
Don’t get your eyebrows wet, go into a sauna, sunbed (or expose brows to direct sunlight), steam room or swimming pool, apply heavy creams, makeup, or makeup remover to your brows, or excessively rub or touch the treated area for the first 24-48 hours after a brow lamination .
Don’t get your eyelashes wet, apply mascara or eye makeup, sweat, go into a sauna, use oil-based products or rub your eyes for the first 24-48 hours after a lash lift.